The project results are the direct answer to the envisaged target groups’ needs, and they comprise a complete set of resources for popularization and teaching of cloud-computing in schools across EU. We start with gap analysis (Intellectual Output 1 – IO1) – report on to what extent are cloud-based services in use in schools at the moment. In the second part of the analysis, we will project further possibilities and mark the trajectory route on how grow on the existing situation.
Gap analysis is an in-depth analysis of issues/challenges different stakeholders have when approaching cloud services, with an aim to describe understanding and acceptance of topics of cloud-based services in education. We approach this topic not as something belonging to ICT domain, but rather something that forms the basis for the development of key competences for all individuals today from early childhood. This report will further analyze the potential of raising awareness of digital competences on the subject of cloud-based services among educators, citizens and organizations. We will investigate the existence of appropriate OERs on this subject, as well as what kind of promotional activities need to be taken to disseminate innovative methods and tools for teaching, training and learning.
Gap analysis represents the background for designing and structuring educational materials and pilot cases that will be envisaged in the later stages of the project. In other words, it will offer methodology guidelines for structuring cases. The report will contain most frequently requested domain-specific cloud-based services and a section containing different inventory opportunities. It should be noticed that the added value of this research includes the fact that it will not just encompass those EDU institutions and communities, where cloud services are “naturally” embedded, but above all it will take into account other stakeholders looking for opportunities how to leverage cloud-based topics in the early stage in wider areas as well. Easy to adopt, full cloud-based education approach in training is a still missing part in the school curriculum, which is why this section of the report will offer to educational decisionmakers a clear idea about training needs required by all, but especially from the perspective of school education.