One of the most important dissemination activities of the Erasmus+ Kids in Clouds project was organized and hosted by Algebra. As a project coordinator, Algebra hosted this multiplier event in order to present project results and its impact to the wider audience. Also, to further spread the news about project and its importance.

During the final month of Kids in Clouds Erasmus+ project implementation, when nearly all project results were delivered and were ready to be showcased, project coordinator Algebra hosted final Kids in Clouds multiplier event on 18th and 19th October 2022. The aim of the event was to present Kids in Clouds achievements to the wider audience, raise their interest for using Kids in Clouds materials in their schools and spread the news about project.

The event was called “Trends and novelties from digital school desks” and was aimed for teachers, professors, headmasters, parents and all interested stakeholders, whether coming from education sector or from entrepreneurship ecosystem connected with education. Besides presenting Kids in Clouds project, many experts from educational sector and teachers presented good practices and innovations related to using digital technologies in teaching.

Representatives of Croatian Kids in Clouds project partners, Tomislav Pavlović (Ludina Primary School) and Nikolina Jakobenov (Primary School Horvati) presented details of project implementation, collaboration between project partners and project results. They also presented the official project website and offered audience a way to use both educational materials about using cloud tools for teachers and ready-to-use interdisciplinary project for students which encompass teaching scenarios and learning objects in cloud tools.

The event was attended by a significant number of visitors so the discussion during networking time was very lively which promises using project results beyond project lifetime as well as possibilities for drafting similar innovative initiatives.

#Kids in Clouds #Erasmus+