Kids in Clouds Erasmus+ project partners have created digital educational materials for teachers about using cloud tools in teaching. Afterwards, teachers tested created materials – this way, they assessed quality of the materials and discovered new methods they could use in teaching from now on.
Kids in Clouds project partners have created more than 170 digital educational materials for teachers that show how to use particular free online cloud-based tools. Materials encompass interesting video tutorials about using cloud-based tools in teaching, are prepared in three languages and are ready for watching or downloading free of charge in the online repository.
Afterwards, 30 teachers from fours schools participating in this project have tested materials as part of the pilot process in schools – Secondary School St. St. Cyril and Methodius (Bulgaria), Ludina Primary School and Primary School Horvati (Croatia) and College Jules Reydellet (France). This way, teachers have tested efficiency and practicality of educational materials and online repository, but they also expanded their knowledge about using cloud tools. Moreover, teachers tried to use particular cloud tools on their own and they tested some of their many functionalities. Practically, this means that pilot participants tried to create their own digital educational materials (presentations, quizzes, videos, infographics etc.)
Partners have evaluated pilot process and the evaluation revealed that majority of the teachers who tested educational materials thinks that materials are easy to use and that they explain the use of cloud tools in a simple way. Nearly 70 % of the teachers pointed out that they have expanded their knowledge about using cloud tools during the pilot. In addition, majority of the teachers emphasized that they will certainly use cloud tools more often in the future for preparing the lessons as well as during their classes. Half of the pilot participants are convinced that they will explore functionalities of the cloud tools more often from now on and based on that, that they will introduce new methods of teaching.
The questionnaires that teachers filled in after participating in the pilot showed that teachers have discovered successful cloud-methods that will contribute to increasing students’ motivation and involvement during lessons, facilitate receiving feedbacks from students on their acquired knowledge and help in the process of developing students’ digital skills.
Detailed results of the pilot process alongside with recommendations for teachers based on good practices are available here.
It is extremely important that this Kids in Clouds experience encouraged teachers to use cloud tools more often in teaching and enabled them to encourage students to use the cloud on a daily basis, with confidence.
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