Erasmus+ project Kids in Clouds aims to introduce kids with cloud-computing in order to help them naturally adopt this technologies. The first step on this path is to make it easier for teachers to use cloud-based tools so that afterwards they can successfully introduce their students to cloud-computing.
Therefore, Algebra and project partners – teachers from French, Bulgarian and Croatian schools are creating digital educational materials for teachers about using cloud-based tools. With research data in mind, project partners are creating educational materials according to the teachers’ needs. For example, research results have shown that 60 % of the teachers who participated in the research pointed out that they use digital technology very often. On the other hand, most of the surveyed teachers highlighted that they prepare longer than usual for the lesson during which they will be using digital technology. Therefore, project partners want to create content that will help teachers to use cloud-based tools simply and easily, and thus quickly and efficiently create content for their lessons.
Project partners are creating digital educational materials for teachers in a form of videos. Videos will show how to use free online cloud-based tools for creating interactive presentations, graphics, quizzes, games and similar content. In addition, educational materials will specifically show how to use certain tools during lessons of the following subjects – Mathematics, Science, History as well as for English, Bulgarian and Croatian language lessons. These materials will help teachers in mastering the use of cloud tools. Materials will also contain specific solutions for teaching particular subjects using cloud-based tools.
Educational materials will be prepared in French, Bulgarian and Croatian and will be available in the newly formed online repository. In total, over 150 videos will be created in order to encourage teachers to use cloud-based tools, but also to make it easier for teachers to start using cloud services in case they have not used them so often before.
Teachers from College Jules Reydellet (Saint-Denis, France), SU St.St. Cyril and Methodius (Smolyan, Bulgaria), Primary School Horvati (Zagreb, Croatia) and Ludina Primary School (Velika Ludina, Croatia) as well as Algebra’s experts are involved in this project. Materials developed in one country will be piloted in another country in the next phase of the project. This way, project partners strive to ensure the transnational applicability of the materials in order to meet the needs of different national education systems.
More about the project –
#KidsinClouds #Erasmus+